Zemmler becomes a member of the BAV


Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH has been a member of the BAV since October 2017. Just like the association, we are also committed to the processing of the raw material “waste wood”. Our double drum screening plants process waste wood into 3 fractions – undersized, intermediate and oversized. During processing into 3 fractions, the important intermediate fraction for the waste wood industry is screened out in a single operation. The double drum technology contributes significantly to the efficient and economical recycling of waste wood.

What characterizes the association?

The association work of the BAV e.V. is aimed at quality-assured, trouble-free waste wood processing and recycling in order to exploit the climate protection and resource protection potential of wood.

The members of the FOT deal both with the logistical tasks of the mass flow of waste wood and the technical challenge of producing a highly qualified secondary raw material from a waste, and with the further processing of this material, be it in material recycling (e.g. chipboard industry), be it in energy recovery (e.g. biomass cogeneration plants). The 80 member companies of the BAV represent about 80 % of the total German waste wood market.

The BAV cooperates with the BDE Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Rohstoffwirtschaft e. V. and the VHI Bundesverband der Deutschen Holzwerkstoffindustrie e. V. Also with the WRA Wood Recyclers Association and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stoffspezifische Abfallbehandlung, ASA e. V. (Working Group for Material-Specific Waste Treatment).

The BAV is a member of the Gütegemeinschaft Sekundärbrennstoffe und Recyclingholz e. V. (Quality Association for Secondary Fuels and Recycled Wood). (BGS) and in the European Association of the Communities for the Certification of Specialised Waste Management Companies (EVGE) e.V.

