Recycling AKTIV in Karlsruhe
Trade fair anniversary
Zemmler to exhibit for the 5th time at RecyclingAKTIV
Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year, is a specialist for the coarse and fine. However, this year’s participation in the trade fair will already mark a small milestone.
With the mobile, semi-mobile and stationary double drum screening plants of the ZEMMLER® MULTI SCREEN® series manufactured in southern Brandenburg, Managing Director Heiko Zemmler has perfected the classification of a wide variety of materials.
The secret lies in the special way the machines work. While conventional trommel screens separate the raw material into two fractions, the ZEMMLER® MULTI SCREEN® screening machines produce three separate products at the end of a process.

The systems’ high flexibility and the comprehensive range of products, from the smallest screening machine with less than 1.8 tons to the largest with up to 20 tons, enable the company to serve customers from the gardening, landscaping, recycling, timber, civil engineering, glass and even gravel pits and quarries. The MULTI SCREEN® screening plants are not only used in the processing of earth materials, but also in more specific fields of application, such as the extraction of recyclable fractions of plastics, foils and wood chips and in the processing of compost, milled material, building rubble, stones, gravel, as well as glass or even in the recycling of sandbags.
With a throughput of up to 150 m³ per hour, the 10.10 m long and 3.8 m high ZEMMLER® MULTI SCREEN® MS 5200, for example, is capable of moving entire mountains or, better said, fractionating them. This wheeled mobile machine can neatly screen e.g. compost, soil, sand, slag, gravel, gravel, wood chips, refuse, stones as well as mineral waste from 2 – 80 mm. The material is filled into the belt feeder, which can hold up to 5.5 m³. The material is then fed into the double tromel. It consists of a steel, robust inner cage and an outer cage that can be equipped with wire screens of various mesh sizes. What the inner cage does not retain is captured by the outer cage, the fine fraction is discharged via a conveyor belt. Once a mountain of work has been eliminated, the MS 5200 can be towed to the next location.

In order to give the trade audience an insight into the functionality, the advantages and different areas of application of the double trommel screening plants, Zemmler will exhibit once again this year at the RecyclingAKTIV – Demonstration Fair for Disposal and Recycling in Karlsruhe. For the fifth time already, the company is represented at the fair. ” As a company producing in Brandenburg, RecyclingAKTIV is of particular importance to us and has a firm place in our exhibition schedule,” says Klaus Kohnke, Head of Sales at Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH. “Thanks to the particularly high proportion of trade visitors, we are able to reach the right contacts.”
A mobile MS 5200 double drum screening plant will be shown at the trade fair – one of the big ones in the Zemmler portfolio. Visit Zemmler at the RecyclingAKTIV from 5th to 7th September. Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH and its partner STENGER Brech- und Siebtechnik are looking forward to your visit at booth F148.
Zemmler Siebanlagen GmbH
Nobelstraße 11
03238 Massen-Niederlausitz - +49 (0) 3531 7906-0
- +49 (0) 3531 7906-41